/wedge └── oils-for-unix.org └── pkg ├── bloaty │   └── 1.1 ├── cmark │   └── 0.29.0 ├── python2 │   └── 2.7.18 ├── python3 │   └── 3.10.4 ├── re2c │   └── 3.0 └── uftrace └── 0.13 /home/build/wedge └── oils-for-unix.org └── pkg ├── bash │   ├── 4.4 │   └── 5.2.21 ├── busybox │   └── 1.35.0 ├── dash │   └── ├── mksh │   └── R52c ├── mypy │   └── 0.780 ├── py3-libs │   └── 2023-03-04 ├── pyflakes │   └── 2.4.0 └── zsh └── 5.1.1 35 directories, 0 files 6,603,416 /wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/bloaty 1,340,526 /wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/cmark 82,054,455 /wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/python2 161,923,121 /wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/python3 980,155 /wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/re2c 6,040,426 /wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/uftrace 26,446,559 /home/build/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/bash 1,083,127 /home/build/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/busybox 216,789 /home/build/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/dash 326,608 /home/build/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/mksh 21,719,810 /home/build/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/mypy 48,688,852 /home/build/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/py3-libs 364,156 /home/build/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/pyflakes 6,033,571 /home/build/wedge/oils-for-unix.org/pkg/zsh 363,821,571 TOTAL Biggest files sort: unrecognized option: reverse BusyBox v1.36.1 (2024-06-12 06:28:12 UTC) multi-call binary. Usage: sort [-nrughMcszbdfiokt] [-o FILE] [-k START[.OFS][OPTS][,END[.OFS][OPTS]] [-t CHAR] [FILE]... Sort lines of text -o FILE Output to FILE -c Check whether input is sorted -b Ignore leading blanks -f Ignore case -i Ignore unprintable characters -d Dictionary order (blank or alphanumeric only) -n Sort numbers -g General numerical sort -h Sort human readable numbers (2K 1G) -M Sort month -V Sort version -t CHAR Field separator -k N[,M] Sort by Nth field -r Reverse sort order -s Stable (don't sort ties alphabetically) -u Suppress duplicate lines -z NUL terminated input and output Most common file types 8,181 .pyc 5,170 .py 1,372 1,342 .pyo 1,270 .pyi 481 .h 288 .txt 286 .decTest 145 .so 137 .test 76 .mo 63 .rst 62 .xml 43 .pem 29 .1 29 .sample 29 .exe 26 .pxi 22 .gif 18 .typed Total bytes by file type 110,303,124 .pyc 74,873,308 .py 38,306,488 .so 28,419,949 18,939,132 .pyo 17,429,171 .10 12,193,171 .whl 9,689,972 .mo 8,791,564 .decTest 7,045,328 .7 5,903,686 .pack 3,629,923 .1 3,525,394 .h 3,377,881 .test 2,912,256 .exe 2,795,401 .pyi 2,715,507 .html 1,076,100 .info 881,047 .txt 717,316 .tar