1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Wrapper for soil/web.py.
4 | #
5 | # Usage:
6 | # soil/web.sh <function name>
7 |
8 | set -o nounset
9 | set -o pipefail
10 | set -o errexit
11 |
12 | shopt -s nullglob # for list-json
13 |
14 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd $(dirname $0)/.. && pwd)
15 | readonly REPO_ROOT
16 |
17 | source $REPO_ROOT/soil/common.sh
18 |
19 | # Jobs to show and keep. This corresponds to say soil/worker.sh JOB-dummy,
20 | # which means each git COMMIT is more than 15 jobs.
21 | readonly NUM_JOBS=4000
22 |
23 | soil-web() {
24 | # We may be executed by a wwup.cgi on the server, which doesn't have
25 | # PATH=~/bin, and the shebang is /usr/bin/env python2
26 |
27 | local -a prefix=()
28 | if test -n "${CONTENT_LENGTH:-}"; then
29 | prefix=( ~/bin/python2 )
30 | fi
31 |
32 | PYTHONPATH=$REPO_ROOT "${prefix[@]}" $REPO_ROOT/soil/web.py "$@"
33 | }
34 |
35 | # Bug fix for another race:
36 | # ls *.json has a race: the shell expands files that may no longer exist, and
37 | # then 'ls' fails!
38 | list-json() {
39 | local dir=$1 # e.g. travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs
40 |
41 | for name in $dir/*/*.json; do
42 | echo $name
43 | done
44 | }
45 |
46 | rewrite-jobs-index() {
47 | ### Atomic update of travis-ci.oilshell.org/jobs/
48 | local prefix=$1
49 | local run_id=$2 # pass GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER or git-$hash
50 |
51 | local dir=$SOIL_HOST_DIR/uuu/${prefix}jobs
52 |
53 | log "soil-web: Rewriting uuu/${prefix}jobs/index.html"
54 |
55 | # Fix for bug #1169: don't create the temp file on a different file system,
56 | # which /tmp may be.
57 | #
58 | # When the source and target are on different systems, I believe 'mv' falls
59 | # back to 'cp', which has this race condition:
60 | #
61 | # https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/116280/cannot-create-regular-file-filename-file-exists
62 |
63 | # Limit to last 100 jobs. Glob is in alphabetical order and jobs look like
64 | # 2020-03-20__...
65 |
66 | local index_tmp=$dir/$$.index.html # index of every job in every run
67 | local run_index_tmp=$dir/$$.runs.html # only the jobs in this run/commit
68 |
69 | list-json $dir \
70 | | tail -n -$NUM_JOBS \
71 | | soil-web ${prefix}index $index_tmp $run_index_tmp $run_id
72 |
73 | echo "rewrite index status = ${PIPESTATUS[@]}"
74 |
75 | mv -v $index_tmp $dir/index.html
76 |
77 | mkdir -v -p $dir/$run_id # this could be a new commit hash, etc.
78 | mv -v $run_index_tmp $dir/$run_id/index.html
79 | }
80 |
81 | cleanup-jobs-index() {
82 | local prefix=$1
83 | local dry_run=${2:-true}
84 |
85 | local dir=$SOIL_HOST_DIR/uuu/${prefix}jobs
86 |
87 | # Pass it all JSON, and then it figures out what files to delete (TSV, etc.)
88 | case $dry_run in
89 | false)
90 | # Bug fix: There's a race here when 2 jobs complete at the same time.
91 | # Use rm -f to ignore failure if the file was already deleted.
92 |
93 | list-json $dir | soil-web cleanup $NUM_JOBS | xargs --no-run-if-empty -- rm -f -v
94 | ;;
95 | true)
96 | list-json $dir | soil-web cleanup $NUM_JOBS
97 | ;;
98 | *)
99 | log 'Expected true or false for dry_run'
100 | esac
101 | }
102 |
103 | test-cleanup() {
104 | # the 999 jobs are the oldest
105 |
106 | soil-web cleanup 2 <<EOF
107 | travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs/999/one.json
108 | travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs/999/two.json
109 | travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs/999/three.json
110 | travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs/1000/one.json
111 | travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs/1000/two.json
112 | travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs/1001/one.json
113 | travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs/1001/two.json
114 | travis-ci.oilshell.org/github-jobs/1001/three.json
115 | EOF
116 | }
117 |
118 | cleanup-status-api() {
119 | ### cleanup the files used for maybe-merge
120 |
121 | local dry_run=${1:-true}
122 |
123 | local dir=$SOIL_HOST_DIR/uuu/status-api/github
124 |
125 | pushd $dir
126 | case $dry_run in
127 | false)
128 | # delete all but the last 30
129 | ls | head -n -30 | xargs --no-run-if-empty -- rm -r -f -v
130 | ;;
131 | true)
132 | ls | head -n -30
133 | ;;
134 | *)
135 | log 'Expected true or false for dry_run'
136 | esac
137 | popd
138 | }
139 |
140 | event-job-done() {
141 | ### "Server side" handler
142 |
143 | local prefix=$1 # 'github-' or 'sourcehut-'
144 | local run_id=$2 # $GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER or git-$hash
145 |
146 | rewrite-jobs-index $prefix $run_id
147 |
148 | # note: we could speed jobs up by doing this separately?
149 | cleanup-jobs-index $prefix false
150 | }
151 |
152 | DISABLED-event-job-done() {
153 | ### Hook for wwup.cgi to execute
154 |
155 | # As long as the CGI script shows output, I don't think we need any wrappers
156 | # The scripts are written so we don't need to 'cd'
157 | _event-job-done "$@"
158 | return
159 |
160 | # This is the directory that soil/web-init.sh deploys to, and it's shaped
161 | # like the Oils repo
162 | cd ~/soil-web
163 |
164 | # Figure out why exit code is 127
165 | # Oh probably because it's not started in the home dir?
166 |
167 | # TODO: I guess wwup.cgi can buffer this entire response or something?
168 | # You POST and you get of status, stdout, stderr back?
169 | _event-job-done "$@" > ~/event-job-done.$$.log 2>&1
170 | }
171 |
172 | #
173 | # Dev Tools
174 | #
175 |
176 | sync-testdata() {
177 |
178 | local dest=_tmp/github-jobs/
179 |
180 | rsync --archive --verbose \
181 | $SOIL_USER@$SOIL_HOST:$SOIL_HOST/github-jobs/ $dest
182 |
183 | # 2023-04: 3.2 GB of files! Probably can reduce this
184 |
185 | du --si -s $dest
186 | }
187 |
188 | copy-web() {
189 | ### for relative URLs to work
190 |
191 | cp -r -v web/ _tmp/
192 | }
193 |
194 | local-test() {
195 | ### Used the sync'd testdata
196 | local dir=${1:-_tmp/github-jobs}
197 |
198 | local index=$dir/index.html
199 |
200 | local run_id=3722
201 | local run_index=$dir/$run_id/index.html
202 |
203 | list-json $dir | soil-web github-index $index $run_index $run_id
204 |
205 | echo "Wrote $index and $run_index"
206 | }
207 |
208 | hello() {
209 | echo "hi from $0"
210 | echo
211 |
212 | echo ARGS
213 | local i=0
214 | for arg in "$@"; do
215 | echo "[$i] $arg"
216 |
217 | # For testing wwup.cgi
218 | if test "$arg" = 'FAIL'; then
219 | echo 'failing early'
220 | return 42
221 | fi
222 |
223 | i=$(( i + 1 ))
224 | done
225 | echo
226 |
227 | whoami
228 | hostname
229 | }
230 |
231 | "$@"