1 | #!/usr/bin/env bash
2 | #
3 | # Functions to invoke soil/web remotely.
4 | #
5 | # soil/web is deployed manually, and then this runs at HEAD in the repo. Every
6 | # CI run has an up-to-date copy.
7 | #
8 | # Usage:
9 | # soil/web-worker.sh <function name>
10 |
11 | set -o nounset
12 | set -o pipefail
13 | set -o errexit
14 |
15 | REPO_ROOT=$(cd "$(dirname $0)/.."; pwd)
16 |
17 | source soil/common.sh
18 | source test/tsv-lib.sh # tsv2html
19 | source web/table/html.sh # table-sort-{begin,end}
20 |
21 | # ~/
22 | # soil-web/ # executable files
23 | # doctools/
24 | # html_head.py
25 | # soil/
26 | # web.py
27 | # web.sh
28 | # travis-ci.oilshell.org/ # served over HTTP
29 | # index.html
30 | # web/
31 | # base.css
32 | # soil.css
33 | # github-jobs/
34 | # index.html
35 | # 3619/ # $GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER
36 | # dev-minimal.wwz
37 | # cpp-small.wwz
38 | # sourcehut-jobs/
39 | # index.html
40 | # 22/ # $JOB_ID
41 | # dev-minimal.wwz
42 | # 23 # $JOB_ID
43 | # cpp-small.wwz
44 |
45 | sshq() {
46 | # Don't need commands module as I said here!
47 | # https://www.oilshell.org/blog/2017/01/31.html
48 | #
49 | # This is Bernstein chaining through ssh.
50 |
51 | my-ssh $SOIL_USER_HOST "$(printf '%q ' "$@")"
52 | }
53 |
54 | remote-rewrite-jobs-index() {
55 | sshq soil-web/soil/web.sh rewrite-jobs-index "$@"
56 | }
57 |
58 | remote-cleanup-jobs-index() {
59 | local prefix=$1
60 | # clean it up for real!
61 | sshq soil-web/soil/web.sh cleanup-jobs-index "$prefix" false
62 | }
63 |
64 | remote-cleanup-status-api() {
65 | #sshq soil-web/soil/web.sh cleanup-status-api false
66 | # 2024-07 - work around bug by doing dry_run only.
67 | #
68 | # TODO: Fix the logic in soil/web.sh
69 |
70 | if false; then
71 | sshq soil-web/soil/web.sh cleanup-status-api true
72 | else
73 | curl --include --fail-with-body \
74 | --form 'run-hook=soil-cleanup-status-api' \
75 | --form 'arg1=true' \
76 | $WWUP_URL
77 | fi
78 | }
79 |
80 | my-scp() {
81 | scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$@"
82 | }
83 |
84 | my-ssh() {
85 | ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "$@"
86 | }
87 |
88 | scp-status-api() {
89 | local run_id=${1:-TEST2-github-run-id}
90 | local job_name=$2
91 |
92 | local status_file="_soil-jobs/$job_name.status.txt"
93 | local remote_path="$SOIL_REMOTE_DIR/status-api/github/$run_id/$job_name"
94 |
95 | # We could make this one invocation of something like:
96 | # cat $status_file | sshq soil/web.sh PUT $remote_path
97 |
98 | if false; then
99 | my-ssh $SOIL_USER_HOST "mkdir -p $(dirname $remote_path)"
100 |
101 | # the consumer should check if these are all zero
102 | # note: the file gets RENAMED
103 | my-scp $status_file "$SOIL_USER_HOST:$remote_path"
104 | else
105 | # Note: we don't need to change the name of the file, because we just glob
106 | # the dir
107 | curl --include --fail-with-body \
108 | --form 'payload-type=status-api' \
109 | --form "subdir=github/$run_id" \
110 | --form "file1=@$status_file" \
111 | $WWUP_URL
112 | fi
113 | }
114 |
115 | scp-results() {
116 | # could also use Travis known_hosts addon?
117 | local prefix=$1 # sourcehut- or ''
118 | shift
119 |
120 | my-scp "$@" "$SOIL_USER_HOST:$SOIL_REMOTE_DIR/${prefix}jobs/"
121 | }
122 |
123 | # Dummy that doesn't depend on results
124 | deploy-test-wwz() {
125 | set -x
126 | local out_name="$(date +%Y-%m-%d__%H-%M-%S)_test"
127 |
128 | local wwz=$out_name.wwz
129 |
130 | cat >index.html <<EOF
131 | <a href="build/oil-manifest.txt">build/oil-manifest.txt</a> <br/>
132 | <a href="build/opy-manifest.txt">build/opy-manifest.txt</a> <br/>
133 | <a href="env.txt">env.txt</a> <br/>
134 | EOF
135 |
136 | dump-env > env.txt
137 |
138 | zip -q $wwz env.txt index.html build/*.txt
139 |
140 | scp-results '' $wwz
141 | }
142 |
143 | format-wwz-index() {
144 | ### What's displayed in $ID.wwz/index.html
145 |
146 | local job_id=$1
147 | local tsv=${2:-_tmp/soil/INDEX.tsv}
148 |
149 | soil-html-head "$job_id.wwz"
150 |
151 | cat <<EOF
152 | <body class="width40">
153 | <p id="home-link">
154 | <a href="..">Up</a>
155 | | <a href="/">Home</a>
156 | | <a href="//oilshell.org/">oilshell.org</a>
157 | </p>
158 |
159 | <h1>$job_id.wwz</h1>
160 | EOF
161 |
162 | echo '<ul>'
163 | cat <<EOF
164 | <li>
165 | <a href="_tmp/soil/INDEX.tsv">_tmp/soil/INDEX.tsv</a>, also copied to
166 | <a href="../$job_id.tsv">../$job_id.tsv</a>.
167 | </li>
168 | <li>
169 | <a href="../$job_id.json">../$job_id.json</a>
170 | </li>
171 | EOF
172 |
173 | if test -f _tmp/soil/image.html; then
174 | echo '
175 | <li>
176 | <a href="_tmp/soil/image.html">Container Image Stats</a>
177 | </li>
178 | '
179 | fi
180 |
181 | echo '</ul>'
182 | }
183 |
184 | format-image-stats() {
185 | local soil_dir=${1:-_tmp/soil}
186 | local web_base_url=${2:-'/web'} # for production
187 |
188 | table-sort-html-head "Image Stats" $web_base_url
189 |
190 | # prints <body>; make it wide for the shell commands
191 | table-sort-begin "width60"
192 |
193 | # TODO:
194 | # - Format the TSV as an HTML table
195 | # - Save the name and tag and show it
196 |
197 | cat <<EOF
198 | <p id="home-link">
199 | <a href="/">Home</a>
200 | | <a href="//oilshell.org/">oilshell.org</a>
201 | </p>
202 |
203 | <h1>Images Tagged</h1>
204 |
205 | <a href="images-tagged.txt">images-tagged.txt</a> <br/>
206 |
207 | <h1>Image Layers</h1>
208 | EOF
209 |
210 | tsv2html3 $soil_dir/image-layers.tsv
211 |
212 | # First column is number of bytes; ignore header
213 | local total_bytes=$(awk '
214 | { sum += $1 }
215 | END { printf("%.1f", sum / 1000000) }
216 | ' $soil_dir/image-layers.tsv)
217 |
218 | echo "<p>Total Size: <b>$total_bytes MB</b></p>"
219 |
220 |
221 | cat <<EOF
222 | <h2>Raw Data</h2>
223 |
224 | <a href="image-layers.txt">image-layers.txt</a> <br/>
225 | <a href="image-layers.tsv">image-layers.tsv</a> <br/>
226 | </body>
227 | </html>
228 | EOF
229 |
230 | table-sort-end image-layers
231 | }
232 |
233 | make-job-wwz() {
234 | local job_id=${1:-test-job}
235 |
236 | local wwz=$job_id.wwz
237 |
238 | # Doesn't exist when we're not using a container
239 | if test -f _tmp/soil/image-layers.tsv; then
240 | format-image-stats _tmp/soil > _tmp/soil/image.html
241 | fi
242 |
243 | format-wwz-index $job_id > index.html
244 |
245 | # _tmp/soil: Logs are in _tmp, see soil/worker.sh
246 | # web/ : spec test HTML references this.
247 | # Note that that index references /web/{base,soil}.css, outside the .wwz
248 | # osh-summary.html uses table-sort.js and ajax.js
249 | #
250 | # TODO:
251 | # - Could move _tmp/{spec,stateful,syscall} etc. to _test
252 | # - Create _tmp/benchmarks/{compute,gc,gc-cachegrind,osh-parser,mycpp-examples,...}
253 | # - would require release/$VERSION/pub/benchmarks.wwz, like we have
254 | # pub/metrics.wwz, for consistent links
255 |
256 | zip -q -r $wwz \
257 | index.html \
258 | _build/wedge/logs \
259 | _gen/mycpp/examples \
260 | _test \
261 | _tmp/{soil,spec,src-tree-www,wild-www,stateful,process-table,syscall,benchmark-data,metrics,mycpp-examples,compute,gc,gc-cachegrind,perf,vm-baseline,osh-runtime,osh-parser,host-id,shell-id} \
262 | _tmp/uftrace/{index.html,stage2} \
263 | web/{base,src-tree,spec-tests,spec-cpp,line-counts,benchmarks,wild}.css web/ajax.js \
264 | web/table/table-sort.{css,js} \
265 | _release/oil*.tar _release/*.xshar _release/VERSION/
266 | }
267 |
268 | test-collect-json() {
269 | soil/collect_json.py _tmp/soil PATH
270 | }
271 |
272 | deploy-job-results() {
273 | ### Copy .wwz, .tsv, and .json to a new dir
274 |
275 | local prefix=$1 # e.g. github- for example.com/github-jobs/
276 | local run_dir=$2 # e.g. 1234 # make this dir
277 | local job_name=$3 # e.g. cpp-small for example.com/github-jobs/1234/cpp-small.wwz
278 | shift 2
279 | # rest of args are more env vars
280 |
281 | # writes $job_name.wwz
282 | make-job-wwz $job_name
283 |
284 | # Debug permissions. When using docker rather than podman, these dirs can be
285 | # owned by root and we can't write into them.
286 | ls -l -d _tmp/soil
287 | ls -l _tmp/soil
288 |
289 | date +%s > _tmp/soil/task-deploy-start-time.txt
290 |
291 | soil/collect_json.py _tmp/soil "$@" > $job_name.json
292 |
293 | # So we don't have to unzip it
294 | cp _tmp/soil/INDEX.tsv $job_name.tsv
295 |
296 | if false; then
297 | local remote_dest_dir="$SOIL_REMOTE_DIR/${prefix}jobs/$run_dir"
298 | my-ssh $SOIL_USER_HOST "mkdir -p $remote_dest_dir"
299 |
300 | # Do JSON last because that's what 'list-json' looks for
301 | my-scp $job_name.{wwz,tsv,json} "$SOIL_USER_HOST:$remote_dest_dir"
302 | else
303 | curl --include --fail-with-body \
304 | --form "payload-type=${prefix}jobs" \
305 | --form "subdir=$run_dir" \
306 | --form "file1=@${job_name}.wwz" \
307 | --form "file2=@${job_name}.tsv" \
308 | --form "file3=@${job_name}.json" \
309 | $WWUP_URL
310 | fi
311 |
312 | log ''
313 | log 'View CI results here:'
314 | log ''
315 | log "https://$SOIL_HOST/uuu/${prefix}jobs/$run_dir/"
316 | log "https://$SOIL_HOST/uuu/${prefix}jobs/$run_dir/$job_name.wwz/"
317 | log ''
318 | }
319 |
320 | publish-cpp-tarball() {
321 | local prefix=${1:-'github-'} # e.g. example.com/github-jobs/
322 |
323 | # Example of dir structure we need to cleanup:
324 | #
325 | # sourcehut-jobs/
326 | # git-$hash/
327 | # index.html
328 | # oils-for-unix.tar
329 | # github-jobs/
330 | # git-$hash/
331 | # oils-for-unix.tar
332 | #
333 | # Algorithm
334 | # 1. List all JSON, finding commit date and commit hash
335 | # 2. Get the OLDEST commit dates, e.g. all except for 50
336 | # 3. Delete all commit hash dirs not associated with them
337 |
338 | if false; then
339 | # Note: don't upload code without auth
340 | # TODO: Move it to a different dir.
341 |
342 | local commit_hash
343 | commit_hash=$(cat _tmp/soil/commit-hash.txt)
344 |
345 | local tar=_release/oils-for-unix.tar
346 | curl --include --fail-with-body \
347 | --form 'payload-type=github-jobs' \
348 | --form "subdir=git-$commit_hash" \
349 | --form "file1=@$tar" \
350 | $WWUP_URL
351 |
352 | log 'Tarball:'
353 | log ''
354 | log "https://$SOIL_HOST/code/github-jobs/git-$commit_hash/"
355 |
356 | else
357 | # Fix subtle problem here !!!
358 | shopt -s inherit_errexit
359 |
360 | local git_commit_dir
361 | git_commit_dir=$(git-commit-dir "$prefix")
362 |
363 | my-ssh $SOIL_USER_HOST "mkdir -p $git_commit_dir"
364 |
365 | # Do JSON last because that's what 'list-json' looks for
366 |
367 | local tar=_release/oils-for-unix.tar
368 |
369 | # Permission denied because of host/guest issue
370 | #local tar_gz=$tar.gz
371 | #gzip -c $tar > $tar_gz
372 |
373 | # Avoid race condition
374 | # Crappy UUID: seconds since epoch, plus PID
375 | local timestamp
376 | timestamp=$(date +%s)
377 |
378 | local temp_name="tmp-$timestamp-$$.tar"
379 |
380 | my-scp $tar "$SOIL_USER_HOST:$git_commit_dir/$temp_name"
381 |
382 | my-ssh $SOIL_USER_HOST \
383 | "mv -v $git_commit_dir/$temp_name $git_commit_dir/oils-for-unix.tar"
384 |
385 | log 'Tarball:'
386 | log ''
387 | log "https://$git_commit_dir"
388 | fi
389 |
390 | }
391 |
392 | remote-event-job-done() {
393 | ### "Client side" handler: a job calls this when it's done
394 |
395 | local prefix=$1 # 'github-' or 'sourcehut-'
396 | local run_id=$2 # $GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER or git-$hash
397 |
398 | log "remote-event-job-done $prefix $run_id"
399 |
400 | # Deployed code dir
401 | if false; then
402 | sshq soil-web/soil/web.sh event-job-done "$@"
403 | else
404 | # Note: I think curl does URL escaping of arg1= arg2= ?
405 | curl --include --fail-with-body \
406 | --form 'run-hook=soil-event-job-done' \
407 | --form "arg1=$prefix" \
408 | --form "arg2=$run_id" \
409 | $WWUP_URL
410 | fi
411 | }
412 |
413 | filename=$(basename $0)
414 | if test $filename = 'web-worker.sh'; then
415 | "$@"
416 | fi